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Pixel-Level Character Motion Style Transfer using Conditional Adversarial Networks

Published: 11 June 2018 Publication History


In this paper, we describe a novel method for synthesizing realistic human movement in videos according to different body motion inputs, which are based on conditional GAN and Gram loss. Moreover, we present a character motion style transfer model with two-branch networks to characterize natural video sequences. The first branch is built upon convolutional LSTMs to capture spatio-temporal representations of style video, and the second branch is structured by convolutional networks to extract the spatial feature of content frame image. The entire network is constructed with encoder-decoder architecture to learn the representations for both spatial content and temporal correlations in videos, which can transform a motion style to another given style video. The main benefits of our approach lies in jointly considering the spatio-temporal correlations of motion video and establishing Gram constraint to achieve real-world character motion style transfer. The experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed motion style transfer approach on real-world video, and the generated motions with pixel-level motion style transfer are of high visual quality.


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Published: 11 June 2018


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  1. Convolutional networks
  2. Deep leaning
  3. Motion style transfer
  4. Spatio-temporal feature


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  • Refereed limited


CGI 2018
CGI 2018: Computer Graphics International 2018
June 11 - 14, 2018
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