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Harnessing HyDRO: Harvesting-aware Data ROuting for Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks

Published: 26 June 2018 Publication History


We demonstrate the feasibility of long lasting underwater networking by proposing the smart exploitation of the energy harvesting capabilities of underwater sensor nodes. We define a data routing framework that allows senders to select the best forwarding relay taking into account both residual energy and foreseeable harvestable energy. Our forwarding method, named HyDRO, for Harvesting-aware Data ROuting, is also configured to consider channel conditions and route-wide residual energy, performing network wide optimization via local information sharing. The performance of our protocol is evaluated via simulations in scenarios modeled to include realistic underwater settings as well as energy harvesting based on recorded traces. HyDRO is compared to state-of-the-art forwarding protocols for underwater networks. Our results show that jointly considering residual and predicted energy availability is key to achieve lower energy consumption and latency, while obtaining much higher packet delivery ratio.

Supplementary Material

Original paper (p271-basagni.pdf)
Published on June 26, 2018 in the ACM Digital Library. Replaced on July 13, with approval of the program chairs. References were added.


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Mobihoc '18: Proceedings of the Eighteenth ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing
June 2018
329 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 26 June 2018


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  1. Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks
  2. reinforcement learning-based routing
  3. underwater energy harvesting


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