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10.1145/3209626.3209703acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagescprConference Proceedingsconference-collections

The Influence of Agile Practices on Performance in Software Engineering Teams: A Subgroup Perspective

Published: 18 June 2018 Publication History


This research explores the influence of the agile practices daily stand-ups and retrospectives on negative effects of subgroups, i.e. of having several smaller groups within a team, on group conflict, satisfaction, and performance. Based on extant literature in agile software development (ASD) and group research, a model of effects of ASD practices and the constructs elaboration, i.e. direct sharing, of information and team reflexivity, i.e. how much teams reflect on processes and outcomes, is developed and assessed using a survey of agile teams. Previous findings on negative effects of subgroups on conflict and satisfaction are corroborated in an agile setting. Retrospectives enhance team reflexivity and elaboration of information. As expected, elaboration of information significantly attenuates effects on conflict. Surprisingly, reflexivity is seen to further exacerbate the negative effects of perceived subgroups on conflict and satisfaction.


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SIGMIS-CPR'18: Proceedings of the 2018 ACM SIGMIS Conference on Computers and People Research
June 2018
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 18 June 2018


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  1. agile software development
  2. daily stand-up
  3. retrospective
  4. subgroups
  5. team dynamics


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SIGMIS-CPR '18: 2018 Computers and People Research Conference
June 18 - 20, 2018
NY, Buffalo-Niagara Falls, USA

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