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Automated Comparative Table Generation for Facilitating Human Intervention in Multi-Entity Resolution

Published: 27 June 2018 Publication History


Entity resolution (ER), the process of identifying entities that refer to the same real-world object, has long been studied in the knowledge graph (KG) community, among many others. Humans, as a valuable source of background knowledge, are increasingly getting involved in this loop by crowdsourcing and active learning, where presenting condensed and easily-compared information is vital to help human intervene in an ER task. However, current methods for single entity or pairwise summarization cannot well support humans to observe and compare multiple entities simultaneously, which impairs the efficiency and accuracy of human intervention. In this paper, we propose an automated approach to select a few important properties and values for a set of entities, and assemble them by a comparative table. We formulate several optimization problems for generating an optimal comparative table according to intuitive goodness measures and various constraints. Our experiments on real-world datasets, comparison with related work and user study demonstrate the superior efficiency, precision and user satisfaction of our approach in multi-entity resolution (MER).


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  1. Automated Comparative Table Generation for Facilitating Human Intervention in Multi-Entity Resolution



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      cover image ACM Conferences
      SIGIR '18: The 41st International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research & Development in Information Retrieval
      June 2018
      1509 pages
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      Association for Computing Machinery

      New York, NY, United States

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      Published: 27 June 2018


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      1. comparative table
      2. entity resolution
      3. holistic property matching
      4. knowledge graph
      5. multi-entity summarization


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      • (2022)Impact of the Characteristics of Multi-source Entity Matching Tasks on the Performance of Active Learning MethodsThe Semantic Web10.1007/978-3-031-06981-9_7(113-129)Online publication date: 31-May-2022
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