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From Royals to Vegans: Characterizing Question Trolling on a Community Question Answering Website

Published: 27 June 2018 Publication History


The phenomenon of trolling has emerged as a widespread form of abuse on news sites, online social networks, and other types of social media. In this paper, we study a particular type of trolling, performed by asking a provocative question on a community question-answering website. By combining user reports with subsequent moderator deletions, we identify a set of over 400,000 troll questions on Yahoo Answers, i.e., questions aimed to inflame, upset, and draw attention from others on the community. This set of troll questions spans a lengthy period of time and a diverse set of topical categories. Our analysis reveals unique characteristics of troll questions when compared to "regular" questions, with regards to their metadata, text, and askers. A classifier built upon these features reaches an accuracy of 85% over a balanced dataset. The answers' text and metadata, reflecting the community's response to the question, are found particularly productive for the classification task.


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SIGIR '18: The 41st International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research & Development in Information Retrieval
June 2018
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Published: 27 June 2018


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  1. abusive behavior
  2. antisocial behavior
  3. community question answering
  4. content abuse
  5. question trolling
  6. trolling


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