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View all- Dhulipa L(2019)SPAA 2018 ReviewACM SIGACT News10.1145/3319627.331963850:1(61-64)Online publication date: 13-Mar-2019
An L(2,1)-labeling of a graph G=(V,E) is a function f:V(G)->{0,1,2,...} such that |f(u)-f(v)|>=2 whenever uv@__ __E(G) and |f(u)-f(v)|>=1 whenever u and v are at distance two apart. The span of an L(2,1)-labeling f of G, denoted as SP"2(f,G), is the ...
There is a monumental shift happening in how data powers organizational and business operations. This shift is about moving away from traditional batch and real-time analytics to hybrid analytics involving both static and continuous data. Most analytics ...
For a graph G=(V,E), a dominating set is a set D@?V such that every vertex v@?V@?D has a neighbor in D. Given a graph G=(V,E) and a positive integer k, the minimum outer-connected dominating set problem for G is to decide whether G has a dominating set ...
Association for Computing Machinery
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