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How to Best Share a Big Secret

Published: 04 June 2018 Publication History


When sensitive data is stored in the cloud, the only way to ensure its secrecy is by encrypting it before it is uploaded. The emerging multi-cloud model, in which data is stored redundantly in two or more independent clouds, provides an opportunity to protect sensitive data with secret-sharing schemes. Both data-protection approaches are considered computationally expensive, but recent advances reduce their costs considerably: (1) Hardware acceleration methods promise to eliminate the computational complexity of encryption, but leave clients with the challenge of securely managing encryption keys. (2) Secure RAID, a recently proposed scheme, minimizes the computational overheads of secret sharing, but requires non-negligible storage overhead and random data generation. Each data-protection approach offers different tradeoffs and security guarantees. However, when comparing them, it is difficult to determine which approach will provide the best application-perceived performance, because previous studies were performed before their recent advances were introduced.
To bridge this gap, we present the first end-to-end comparison of state-of-the-art encryption-based and secret sharing data protection approaches. Our evaluation on a local cluster and on a multi-cloud prototype identifies the tipping point at which the bottleneck of data protection shifts from the computational overhead of encoding and random data generation to storage and network bandwidth and global availability.


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