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An Empirical Comparison of k-Shortest Simple Path Algorithms on Multicores

Published: 13 August 2018 Publication History


We consider the loop less k-shortest path (KSP) problem. Although this problem has been studied in the sequential setting for at least the last two decades, no good parallel implementations are known. In this paper, we provide (i) a first systematic empirical comparison of various KSP algorithms and heuristic optimisations, (ii) carefully engineer various parallel implementations of these sequential algorithms and (iii) perform an extensive study of these parallel implementations on a range of graph classes and multicore architectures to determine the best algorithm and parallelization strategy for different graph classes.
We find that even though the worst-case complexity of the best undirected KSP algorithm O(k(m + n log n)) is significantly better than that of the popular and considerably simpler directed KSP algorithm O(kn(m + n log n)), the two algorithms are fairly competitive in terms of their empirical performance on small diameter graphs. Furthermore, we show that a few simple optimisations help to bridge the gap between these KSP algorithms even more. However, on moderate to large diameter graphs, the undirected KSP algorithm is considerably faster than the directed algorithms, both in sequential and parallel settings. In terms of the parallelisation strategy, simply replacing the shortest path subroutine by parallel Δ-stepping algorithm can provide a good speed-up for many KSP algorithms on random graphs. In contrast, for graphs with skewed degree distribution, a more complex strategy of parallelizing the different deviations and then parallelizing the shortest path computation inside the deviations with the remaining threads, provides a better performance.


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ICPP '18: Proceedings of the 47th International Conference on Parallel Processing
August 2018
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  • University of Oregon: University of Oregon


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Published: 13 August 2018


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  1. Algorithm Engineering
  2. Parallel Graph Algorithms
  3. Parallel Single Source Shortest Path
  4. Parallel k-Shortest Path


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  • (2024) A Distributed Solution for Efficient K Shortest Paths Computation Over Dynamic Road Networks IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering10.1109/TKDE.2023.3346377(1-14)Online publication date: 2024
  • (2023)PeeK: A Prune-Centric Approach for K Shortest Path ComputationProceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis10.1145/3581784.3607110(1-14)Online publication date: 12-Nov-2023
  • (2023)Top-k Distance Queries on Large Time-Evolving GraphsIEEE Access10.1109/ACCESS.2023.331660211(102228-102242)Online publication date: 2023
  • (2018)Average-Case Behavior of k-Shortest Path AlgorithmsComplex Networks and Their Applications VII10.1007/978-3-030-05411-3_3(28-40)Online publication date: 2-Dec-2018

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