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An Analysis of the Collaborative Aspects of Pair Programming Support Tools: A Systematic Literature Mapping

Published: 04 June 2018 Publication History


This article carried out a systematic mapping of the literature, observing the collaborative aspects of the tools of Support to Pair Programming (PP). He analyzed the resources of these tools regarding the support of the PP process, also verified the metrics used by the studies to evaluate these tools. From the human point of view, he analyzed how the formation of the pair relates to the aspects of progress, performance and satisfaction of the peers in the application of PP. To perform the systematic mapping, the model proposed by Pettersen was used. After applying the mapping we identified the tools most evaluated by the studies and the resources available in them, we identified gaps regarding the feedback to the pair and the mediator of the PP process. It was also identified that specific tools are used to support the teaching and learning process using PP, and we identified that these tools have few communication, coordination and cooperation resources.


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  1. An Analysis of the Collaborative Aspects of Pair Programming Support Tools: A Systematic Literature Mapping



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