Cited By
View all- Li LChang LSong F(2020)A Smart Collaborative Routing Protocol for QoE Enhancement in Multi-Hop Wireless NetworksIEEE Access10.1109/ACCESS.2020.29973508(100963-100973)Online publication date: 2020
An ad hoc network is a highly dynamic routing network cooperated by a set of wireless mobile nodes without any assistance of centralized access point. ARIADNE is a well-known secure on-demand ad hoc network routing protocol. After finishing the Route ...
A mobile ad hoc network is usually assumed to be homogeneous, where each mobile node shares the same radio capacity. However, a homogeneous ad hoc network suffers from poor scalability. Recent research has demonstrated its performance bottleneck through ...
In MANET, each mobile host can freely move around and the network topology is dynamically changing. To send a datagram, a source host broadcasts a route discovery packet to the network. All neighboring nodes receiving this packet will rebroadcast this ...
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