This conference aims to continue with the work developed on its previous editions and to provide an international forum where researchers from both academia and industry can meet, exchange experiences and present innovative works. CERI welcomes contributions from a wide range of knowledge areas. Specifically, we encourage the participation of not only researchers and professionals from the Computer Science field, but also researchers with background and experience on Information Sciences, Linguistics, or any other area related to IR.
Proceeding Downloads
Improving access to scientific literature: a semantic IR perspective
Nowadays, the flow of data and publications in almost every field of research is continuously growing. Some estimates place the growth rate in the number of scientific publications between 2.2% and 14% per year, depending on the type and the domain of ...
About BIRDS project (Bioinformatics and Information Retrieval Data Structures Analysis and Design)
BIRDS stands for "Bioinformatics and Information Retrieval Data Structures analysis and design" and is a 4-year project (2016--2019) that has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie ...
Query Expansion as a Matrix Factorization Problem: Extended Abstract
Pseudo-relevance feedback (PRF) provides an automatic method for query expansion in Information Retrieval. These techniques find relevant expansion terms using the top retrieved documents with the original query. In this paper, we present an approach ...
Towards a Structured Representation of Results in an Information Retrieval System for Public Examination Calls
Nowadays, the huge amount of information available may easily overwhelm users. Information Retrieval techniques can help the user to find what he/she needs, but there are still challenges to solve within this research area. An example is the problem of ...
Applying Subsequence Matching to Collaborative Filtering: Extended Abstract
Neighbourhood-based approaches, although they are one of the most popular strategies in the recommender systems area, continue using classic similarities that leave aside the sequential information of the users interactions. In this extended abstract, ...
Term Association Measures for Memory-based Recommender Systems
The adaptation of Information Retrieval techniques for the item recommendation task has become a fertile research area. Previous works have established the correspondence between these two fields that allowed to adapt several retrieval techniques ...
Content-based recommendation for Academic Expert finding
Nowadays it is more and more frequent that Web users search for professionals in order to find people who can help solve any problem in a given field. This is call expert finding. A particular case is when users are interested in scientific researchers. ...
Vandalism on Collaborative Web Communities: An Exploration of Editorial Behaviour in Wikipedia
Modern online discussion communities allow people to contribute, sometimes anonymously. Such flexibility sometimes threatens the reputation and reliability of community-owned resources. Such flexibility is understandable, however, they engender threats ...
Click-through prediction when searching local businesses
Local search engines allow users to issue queries with a geographical connotation, named local searches, against a business database. Local search differs from traditional search in that, in order to capture adequately the user behaviour, the relevance ...
Towards the Development of a Tool to Keep Track of Interesting Information in a Sea of Digital Documents: Short Paper (Work in Progress)
Managing the current data deluge is a great challenge for users. Emails are constantly arriving, notifications of tweets and RSS feeds keep popping out, newspapers and blogs of different types publish potentially-relevant news every day, etc. If a user ...
Automatic Text Summarization based on Betweenness Centrality
Automatic text summary plays an important role in information retrieval. With a large volume of information, presenting the user only a summary greatly facilitates the search work of the most relevant. Therefore, this task can provide a solution to the ...
Cost-effective construction of Information Retrieval test collections
In this paper we describe our recent research on effective construction of Information Retrieval collections. Relevance assessments are a core component of test collections, but they are expensive to produce. For each test query, only a sample of ...
Trends in the creation of Spanish web sites and their active service
In this research we present statistical information about the domainses that have been created since January 2007 until February 2018, with the objective of providing a clear vision of the different errors they present and how they have changed ...
New approaches for evaluation: correctness and freshness: Extended Abstract
The main goal of a Recommender System is to suggest relevant items to users, although other utility dimensions -- such as diversity, novelty, confidence, possibility of providing explanations -- are often considered. In this work, we study two ...
Barriers for the access to knowledge models in Linked Data cultural heritage collections
During last years governments have promoted the digitisation and on-line access to cultural heritage due to its importance for supporting the knowledge economy. Initiatives like Europeana or UNESCO Memory of the World Programme have encouraged the ...
Coarse-grained Semantic Characterization of Large Knowledge Resources
This work presents an experimental study about the automatic assignment of semantic groups to concepts of large knowledge resources (KR) such as DBpedia1 or BabelNet2. Our proposal combines a simple lexico-statistical method for hypernym extraction ...
Use of Wikipedia categories on information retrieval research: a brief review
Wikipedia categories, a classification scheme built for organizing and describing Wikpedia articles, are being applied in computer science research. This paper adopts a systematic literature review approach, in order to identify different approaches and ...
Building Python-Based Topologies for Massive Processing of Social Media Data in Real Time
In this paper we propose a streaming approach for real-time processing of huge amounts of data. CATENAE is a library for easy building and execution of Python topologies (e.g., web crawler, classifier). Topologies are designed for their deployment ...
Recommending Contacts in Social Networks Using Information Retrieval Models
The fast expansion of online social networks has given rise to new challenges and opportunities for information retrieval and, as a particular area, recommender systems. A particularly compelling problem in this context is recommending contacts, that is,...