Cited By
View all- Leme JCasaca WColnago MDias M(2020)Towards Assessing the Electricity Demand in Brazil: Data-Driven Analysis and Ensemble Learning ModelsEnergies10.3390/en1306140713:6(1407)Online publication date: 18-Mar-2020
Parameters selection of support vector machine is the key issue that impacts its accurate performance. A method for support vector regression machine with basic particle swarm optimization (BPSO) algorithm is proposed in this paper. Furthermore, in ...
This study proposed a novel HPSO-SVR model that hybridized the particle swarm optimization (PSO) and support vector regression (SVR) to improve the regression accuracy based on the type of kernel function and kernel parameter value optimization with a ...
This study applies a novel neural network technique, support vector regression (SVR), to rainfall forecasting. To build an effective SVR model, SVR's parameters must be set carefully. This study proposes a novel approach, known as particle swarm ...
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