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A survey on IoT contribution in smart goods ordering cycle: Amazon buttons

Published: 26 June 2018 Publication History


Internet of Things (IoT) is an emerging technology with a wide range of applications including smart homes, cars, offices and so on. It plays an important role in data gathering regardless of time and environment. Amazon Dash button is one of the smart outcomes of IoT technology that started to show in US market in April 2015 to enable users to shop for their frequently requested items by a press of a Wi-Fi connected button. In this paper, we present a survey about Amazon Dash button in terms of the operation itself and its marketing value in Gulf Cooperation council (GCC) countries. We highlight the limitations of its usage to enhance and automate the goods ordering cycle within the same area such as ordering without a prior notice of item price change and other technical or item delivery issues. In addition, we compare Amazon Dash buttons to the common shopping trends available in GCC. This comparison contributes in involving customers' experience while improving a tool to serve their needs. In order to build our work on actual recent data, we have conducted an internet survey that was completed by 144 internet users. We aim to understand how people can perceive these buttons and how we can improve them with extra automation enhancements to help the consumers order their items by a single click or maybe without it. This means that there is a chance to improve the buttons in the future by eliminating the button press and making it completely smart. We can also modify the architecture of the button by adding a GSM connection feature instead of Wi-Fi.


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    cover image ACM Other conferences
    ICFNDS '18: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Future Networks and Distributed Systems
    June 2018
    469 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

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    Published: 26 June 2018


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    1. Amazon dash buttons
    2. GSM connection
    3. e-commerce
    4. gulf cooperation council
    5. internet of things
    6. machine learning


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