Cited By
View all- LI YCHU ZXIN Y(2020)Posture Recognition Technology Based on KinectIEICE Transactions on Information and Systems10.1587/transinf.2019EDP7221E103.D:3(621-630)Online publication date: 1-Mar-2020
Healthcare centers have always been an essential scenario where apply new technologies in order to improve their conditions and solve problems. New movement interaction sensors have allowed the development of new solutions to solve a critical situation: ...
Although smartphones include a set of sensors that enable innovative interactions, current mobile game interaction is mostly touch-based. Some games also include tilt movement based on the accelerometer sensor. However, sensors like accelerometers and ...
Falls are dangerous for the aged population as they result in serious detrimental consequences. Therefore, many fall detection methods have been proposed. Most of these methods characterize falls by large accelerations and fast body orientation changes. ...
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