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HPCCT '18: Proceedings of the 2018 2nd High Performance Computing and Cluster Technologies Conference
ACM2018 Proceeding
  • Association for Computing Machinery
  • New York
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  • United States
HPCCT 2018: 2018 2nd High Performance Computing and Cluster Technologies Conference Beijing China June 22 - 24, 2018
22 June 2018
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, Chinese Academy of Sciences
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2018 the 2nd High Performance Computing and Cluster Technologies Conference (HPCCT 2018) was held on the campus of China Agricultural University, Beijing during June 22-24, 2018. It is indeed a great privilege for us to present the proceedings of HPCCT 2018 to the authors and delegates of the event.

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SESSION: Data Theory and Processing Methodsnd
Research on Role Mining Algorithms in RBAC

While role mining algorithms have been proposed in recent years, but there still lacks a more comprehensive study to compare and analyze these algorithms. These role mining algorithms have been evaluated when they were proposed, but different datasets ...

The Construction of Large Graph Data Structures in a Scalable Distributed Message System

A large-scale distributed graph data substrate is the foundation of graph databases and knowledge base systems. Existing systems either scale up the capacity of a single compute node or build on distributed relational models (table based systems). The ...

Microarray Data Analysis and Model Construction Based on Oversampling Approach and Decision Tree

Primary skin cancer can be divided into basal cell carcinoma(BCC), squamous cell carcinoma and melanoma three types. Especially, BCC incidence is as high as 80% with 10% global incidence increasing each year. Although BCC has low metastatic and lower ...

Asynchronous Differential Evolution with Strategy Adaptation for Global Numerical Optimization

A new variant of Differential Evolution (DE) algorithm called A-SaDE algorithm is proposed. A-SaDE algorithm is based on two DE variants, Self-adaptive DE (SaDE) and Asynchronous DE (ADE) algorithms. SaDE algorithm is one of the well-known DE algorithms ...

Research on Clothing and Accouterment Security Based on Big Data

The research on the Clothing and Accouterment security based on big data plays an important role in deepening the army's reform and strengthening the scientific management of the army. This paper introduces the main influence of big data on the ...

SESSION: Image Processing and Applications
White Lane Detection Using Semantic Segmentation

This paper deals with the application of machine learning techniques to the detection of white lanes for autonomous driving assistance using only a single visual camera. When performing white line detection, a method called semantic segmentation using ...

An Improved Fast Visual Odometry Based on Semi-probabilistic Trimmed ICP

This paper presents an improved method for Fast Visual Odometry estimation from a Kinect-style RGB-D camera. In order to improve the accuracy and robustness of Fast Visual Odometry, we propose a modified ICP algorithm called Semi-probabilistic Trimmed ...

SESSION: Sensor Technology and Sensor Networks
Sensor Deployment under Probabilistic Sensing Model

In recent years, with the rapid development of wireless sensor networks (WSNs), sensors are widely used to monitor a region of interests (ROI). Therefore sensor deployment becomes one of the important issues that need to be solved because it determines ...

Research on WSN Routing Algorithm for Vegetable Greenhouse

Aiming at the application of wireless sensor networks in vegetable greenhouses' environmental monitoring, several ad hoc routing algorithms were studied. By comparison of different routing algorithms, the most suitable conclusion for application in ...

Measuring Sensor to Cloud Energy Consumption

IoT devices must provide seamless connectivity while obeying stringent power and size constraints. Power consumption plays important factor to determine the status and connectivity of Sensor Node. This paper describes a series of simple experiments ...

SESSION: Computer Science and Information Technology
A Suggestion of a New Measure of Importance of Nodes in Disease-propagation Graphs

One of the most effective ways to protect people from being infected by infectious diseases is through vaccination. However, due to the limitation of vaccine supply, it is usually impractical to vaccinate all of the people in a community. Therefore, how ...

Performance Comparison of CUDA and OpenACC Based on Optimizations

Based on various optimizations, this paper presents a performance comparison between CUDA and OpenACC using 19 kernels in 10 benchmarks. The performance analysis focuses on programming models, optimization technologies and underlying compilers. It ...

Research on Privacy Preserving of Searchable Encryption

In the cloud computing applications, the researchers proposed a new cryptographic primitive searchable encryption (SE) in order to ensure data security. Searchable encryption can make full use of cloud server computing capacity to search the ciphertext. ...

HES: Highly Efficient and Scalable Technique for Matching Regex Patterns

Several security devices use signature based detection engine to detect malicious activities through the internet. The main challenge of this scenario is to keep up with the increase of line speed. On one hand, regular expression (regex) patterns allow ...

A Multitask Conflict Resolution Spatio-temporal Access Control Model

An access control system supporting multitasks concurrently and precise spatio-temporal relationship is an essential component of aerospace information system. Concurrent access control model do not have enough expression capability in aerospace ...

Information System Strategic Planning for Local Government Based on Business Model Canvas: A Case Study at Lebak Regency

Nowdays, information technology utilization has become a necessity for local governments in improving public service-oriented governance. The Government of Lebak Regency, Banten Province, Indonesia, has a strategic objective of improving the performance ...

MARSC: A Macro-Architecture for Smart Cities

The Information and Communication Technologies facilitate the daily life. In the same way, the Smart City concept is helping mitigate the hurdles triggered by an increasing population and rapid urbanization, and so increasing quality of life and socio-...

SESSION: Industrial Information and Electronic Technology
Autonomous Highway Car Following System Based on Fuzzy Control

The ability of controlling real-time vehicle status is extremely important for car-following systems. The status of the traffic stream on highways has impact on the vehicle control while in a high driving speed. In this paper, a feedback car-following ...

DMOMVP: A Business-Process-Oriented Data Model Optimization Method Based on Database Vertical Partition

Business process provides the capability of business logic customization, and it is used widely. However, current business process modeling technology mainly focuses on the process model itself, which ignores the data model inside the process. The ...

The Influence of Information Technology on the Quality of Accounting Information System

Information technology is factor which can improve the quality of accounting information systems. In Indonesia, this phenomenon happens in many organizations showing that there is disintegrated accounting information systems which then causes ...

A Novel Two-Stage Fusion Detector Based on Maximum Ratio Combining and Max-Log Rules

A two-stage decision fusion detector at the decision fusion center is presented for a multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) wireless sensor network. The proposed detector consists of the Maximum Ratio Combining (MRC) rule in the first stage and the Max-...
