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Research on Privacy Preserving of Searchable Encryption

Published: 22 June 2018 Publication History


In the cloud computing applications, the researchers proposed a new cryptographic primitive searchable encryption (SE) in order to ensure data security. Searchable encryption can make full use of cloud server computing capacity to search the ciphertext. The privacy of the searchable encryption on this paper is discussed: First of all, security threat model and security definition of searchable encryption is discussed. Secondly, the privacy preserving definition of searchable encryption is established from two aspects of data privacy and identity privacy. Once again the existing searchable encryption schemes are analyzed and evaluated based on data privacy preserving (index privacy preserving, search pattern privacy preserving, access pattern privacy preserving) by treat model and privacy preserving definition. Fourthly, searchable encryption schemes of different application models are introduced based on identity privacy preserving, and anonymous searchable encryption schemes are analyzed and evaluated based on anonymity definitions of different application models. Finally, the design principle and method of safety analysis are provided for privacy preserving scheme of searchable encryption.


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  • (2020)Homomorphic Encryption versus Searchable Encryption for Data Retrieval on Cloud2020 5th International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering (UBMK)10.1109/UBMK50275.2020.9219533(187-192)Online publication date: Sep-2020

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  1. Research on Privacy Preserving of Searchable Encryption



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    • Chinese Academy of Sciences


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    Published: 22 June 2018


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    1. Searchable encryption
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    3. data privacy
    4. identity privacy
    5. privacy preserving


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    • (2020)Homomorphic Encryption versus Searchable Encryption for Data Retrieval on Cloud2020 5th International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering (UBMK)10.1109/UBMK50275.2020.9219533(187-192)Online publication date: Sep-2020

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