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A generative model of narrative cases
Effective case-based reasoning in complex domains requires a representation that strikes a balance between expressiveness and tractability. For cases in temporal domains, formalization of event transitions in a narrative grammar can simplify both the ...
Toward adding knowledge to learning algorithms for indexing legal cases
Case-based reasoning systems have shown great promise for legal argumentation, but their development and wider availability are still slowed by the cost of manually representing cases. In this paper, we present our recent progress toward automatically ...
The evaluation of legal knowledge based systems
Evaluation strategies to assess the effectiveness of legal knowledge based systems enable strengths and limitations of systems to be accurately articulated. This facilitates efforts in the research community to develop systems and also promotes the ...
I yield one minute…: an analysis of the final speeches from the House impeachment hearings
Hearings held in the United States House of Representatives in December 1998 on the articles of impeachment of President Clinton presented an unusual opportunity to observe real-time argumentation. In this paper, I survey and discuss the various sorts ...
Some observations on modelling case based reasoning with formal argument models
In this paper I shall explore the modelling of case based reasoning using a formal model of argument, taking the approach of Prakken and Sartor as my starting point. I first consider their method of representing cases, and describe how — if we restrict ...
Automated argument assistance for lawyers
Solving the first of these two drawbacks has led to a new graphical representation of the arguments, in which argument attacks are shown, and to a change in the argumentation theory, viz. the introduction of a novel notion of an argument, viz. that of a ...
Dialectic semantics for argumentation frameworks
We provide a formalism for the study of dialogues, where a dialogue is a two-person game, initiated by the proponent who defends a proposed thesis. We examine several different winning criteria and several different dialogue types, where a dialogue type ...
Precedent, deontic logic, and inheritance
The purpose of this paper is to establish some connections between precedent-based reasoning as it is studied in the field of Artificial Intelligence and Law, particularly in the work of Ashley, and two other fields: deontic logic and nonmonotonic ...
Checking regulation consistency by using SOL-resolution
This paper addresses the problem of regulation consistency checking. Regulations are sets of rules which express what is obligatory, permitted, forbidden and under which conditions. We first define a first order language to model regulations. Then we ...
Application of enriched deontic legal relations: Federal Rules of Civil Procedure Rule 7(a), pleadings
Deontic LEGAL RELATIONS are quantified OBLIGATION or PERMISSION statements in the Logic of LEGAL RELATIONS. Such LEGAL RELATIONS stem from Hohfeld's right-duty-privilege-no-right set of fundamental legal conceptions. The four Hohfeldian roots are ...
Sentencing and information management: consistency and the particularities of a case
Sentencing practice is often considered inconsistent. The use of IT and AI to support sentencing decisions in order to make them more consistent, deserves a lot of attention nowadays. The movement for more fair and consistent sentencing in the ...
AI techniques for modelling legal negotiation
Negotiation is a process of cooperative decision-making between parties concerning the resolution of a common dispute. The goal of negotiation is to develop a settlement that is acceptable to both parties. One way to achieve this is to ensure disputants ...
The integration of retrieval, reasoning and drafting for refugee law: a third generation legal knowledge based system
We identify an argument to be the basic unit of reasoning of a system that supports the construction of arguments and drafting of determinations in refugee law. Collaboration with the Refugee Review Tribunal of Australia has led to the development of a ...
Mutual benefits for AI & law and knowledge management
It is necessary to explore new branches of AI & Law. A new promising field is to study the mutual connection between AI & Law and Knowledge Management. At present, these areas are infrequently investigated together. We argue that addressing these areas ...
With a wysh and a prayer: an experiment in cooperative development of legal knowledgebases
This paper describes an ongoing experiment in collaborative construction of legal knowledgebases over the World Wide Web. The home page for this research is at, and further papers on this work may be found there.
A legal negotiation support system
A legal negotiation support system is a software which support users to negotiate through a computer network by showing various information. The overview of a legal negotiation support system is presented.
Bankruptcy case law: a hybrid IR-CBR approach
We briefly present a description of an on-going work in applying a combined IR-CBR approach to legal information processing in bankruptcy law. Our underlying model is based on how lawyers do Legal Research as part of the Legal Reasoning process. In ...
Anaphora resolution in the extraction of treatment history language from court opinions by partial parsing
This paper describes an information extraction system that identifies and analyzes statements in court opinions regarding the value of cited cases as precedents. The system employs partial parsing techniques in conjunction with a semantic grammar to ...
JurisConsulto: retrieval in jurisprudencial text bases using juridical terminology
- Tânia C. D'Agostini Bueno,
- Christiane Gresse von Wangenheim,
- Eduardo da Silva Mattos,
- Hugo Cesar Hoeschl,
- Ricardo M. Barcia
In the legal domain, jurisprudence has an important role as a juridical source; its decisions support the application of the Law to a concrete case. The problem is that Brazilian Courts produce an enormous amount of decisions every year, turning these ...
A learning technique for legal document analysis
More and more law is available freely on the Internet. The growing complexity of legal rules and the necessary adaptation to user needs requires better instruments than manual browsing and searching interfaces of the past. Information reconnaissance of ...
Intelligent jurisprudence research: a new concept
Intelligent Jurisprudence Research (IJR) is a concept that consists in performing jurisprudence research with a computational tool that employs Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques. Jurisprudence research is the search employed by judicial ...
JUSTICE: a judicial search tool using intelligent concept extraction
A legal knowledge based system called JUSTICE is presented which provides conceptual information retrieval for legal cases. JUSTICE can identify heterogeneous representations of concepts across all major Australian jurisdictions. The knowledge ...
Generating exception structures for legal information serving
More and more legal information is available in electronic form, but traditional retrieval mechanisms are insufficient to answer questions and legal problems of most users. In the ESPRIT project CLIME we are building a “Legal Information Server” (LIS), ...
A collaborative legal information retrieval system using dynamic logic programming
We propose a framework for a collaborative legal information retrieval system based on dynamic logic programming. In order to be collaborative our system keeps the context of the interaction and tries to infer the user intentions. Each event is ...
A demonstration of a legal reasoning system based on teleological analogies
In this article, we demonstrate our analogical legal reasoning system based on a teleological approach to interpret laws, using an actual example. By this demonstration, we show the validity of our approach. The example is based on a real legal problem ...
Index Terms
- Proceedings of the 7th international conference on Artificial intelligence and law