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Effectiveness and challenges in generating concurrent tests for thread-safe classes

Published: 03 September 2018 Publication History


Developing correct and efficient concurrent programs is difficult and error-prone, due to the complexity of thread synchronization. Often, developers alleviate such problem by relying on thread-safe classes, which encapsulate most synchronization-related challenges. Thus, testing such classes is crucial to ensure the reliability of the concurrency aspects of programs. Some recent techniques and corresponding tools tackle the problem of testing thread-safe classes by automatically generating concurrent tests. In this paper, we present a comprehensive study of the state-of-the-art techniques and an independent empirical evaluation of the publicly available tools. We conducted the study by executing all tools on the JaConTeBe benchmark that contains 47 well-documented concurrency faults. Our results show that 8 out of 47 faults (17%) were detected by at least one tool. By studying the issues of the tools and the generated tests, we derive insights to guide future research on improving the effectiveness of automated concurrent test generation.


2018. Effectiveness and Challenges in Generating Concurrent Tests for Threadsafe Classes. (2018). 2018. JaConTeBe. (2018).
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