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On the Quest for Flexible Modelling

Published: 14 October 2018 Publication History


Modelling is a fundamental activity in Software Engineering, and central to model-based engineering approaches. It is used for different purposes, and so its nature can range from informal (e.g., as a casual mechanism for problem discussion and understanding) to fully formal (e.g., to enable the automated processing of models by model transformations). However, existing modelling tools only serve one of these two extreme purposes: either to create informal drawings or diagrams, or to build models fully conformant to their modelling language. This lack of reconciliation is hampering the adoption of model-based techniques in practice, as they are deemed too imprecise in the former case, and too rigid in the latter.
In this new ideas paper, we claim that modelling tools need further flexibility covering different stages, purposes and approaches to modelling. We detail requirements for such a new generation of modelling tools, describe our first steps towards their realization in the Kite metamodelling tool, and showcase application scenarios.


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MODELS '18: Proceedings of the 21th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems
October 2018
478 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Publication History

Published: 14 October 2018


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  1. Flexible modelling
  2. Model-driven engineering
  3. Modelling process


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