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Tackling memory access latency through DRAM row management

Published: 01 October 2018 Publication History


Memory latency is a critical bottleneck in today's systems. The organization of the DRAM main memory necessitates sensing and reading an entire row (around 4KB) of data in order to access a single cache block. The benefit of this organization is that subsequent accesses to the same row can be served faster (row hits). However, accesses to other rows incur high latency to prepare the DRAM bank for a subsequent access and read the contents of the new row (row conflicts). Therefore, the decision on how long a row is held open for is a key factor that determines the access latency incurred by requests to memory.
While prior work has tackled this problem, existing solutions are either complex or ineffective. Our goal, in this work, is to build a row management scheme that is simple yet effective. Towards this end, we first build a scoreboard scheme that determines how long to hold a row open, by i) predicting the number of row hits and row conflicts for different lengths of time rows are held open and ii) picking the time that maximizes row hits without increasing row conflicts significantly. We then observe that a small set of rows tend to experience a large number of back-to-back accesses. We build a row exclusion scheme that identifies such rows and prevents them from being closed until the next access to a different row arrives. Our evaluations show that our scoreboard and row exclusion policies together incur less than 0.4% of the additional storage cost of the most effective prior mechanism, while surpassing it in terms of performance.


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