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ModaNet: A Large-scale Street Fashion Dataset with Polygon Annotations

Published: 15 October 2018 Publication History


Understanding clothes from a single image would have huge commercial and cultural impacts on modern societies. However, this task remains a challenging computer vision problem due to wide variations in the appearance, style, brand and layering of clothing items. We present a new database called ModaNet, a large-scale collection of images based on Paperdoll dataset. Our dataset provides 55,176 street images, fully annotated with polygons on top of the 1 million weakly annotated street images in Paperdoll. ModaNet aims to provide a technical benchmark to fairly evaluate the progress of applying the latest computer vision techniques that rely on large data for fashion understanding. The rich annotation of the dataset allows to measure the performance of state-of-the-art algorithms for object detection, semantic segmentation and polygon prediction on street fashion images in detail.


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      MM '18: Proceedings of the 26th ACM international conference on Multimedia
      October 2018
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      Association for Computing Machinery

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      Published: 15 October 2018


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