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Test behaviour detection as a test refactoring safety

Published: 04 September 2018 Publication History


When refactoring production code, software developers rely on an automated test suite as a safeguard. However, when refactoring the test suite itself, there is no such safeguard. Therefore, there is a need for tool support that can verify if a refactored test suite preserves its behaviour pre- and post-refactoring. In this work we present T-CORE (Test COde REfactoring tool); a tool that captures the behaviour of Java tests in the form of a Test Behaviour Tree. T-CORE allows developers to verify that the refactoring of a test suite has preserved the behaviour of the test.


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cover image ACM Conferences
IWoR 2018: Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Refactoring
September 2018
45 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Published: 04 September 2018


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  2. refactoring
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