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RFIMatch: Distributed Batteryless Near-Field Identification Using RFID-Tagged Magnet-Biased Reed Switches

Published: 11 October 2018 Publication History


This paper presents a technique enabling distributed batteryless near-field identification (ID) between two passive radio frequency ID (RFID) tags. Each conventional ultra-high-frequency (UHF) RFID tag is modified by connecting its antenna and chip to a reed switch and then attaching a magnet to one of the reed switch's terminals, thus transforming it into an always-on switch. When the two modules approach each other, the magnets counteract each other and turn off both switches at the same time. The coabsence of IDs thus indicates a unique interaction event. In addition to sensing, the module also provides native haptic feedback through magnetic repulsion force, enabling users to perceive the system's state eyes-free, without physical constraints. Additional visual feedback can be provided through an energy-harvesting module and a light emitting diode. This specific hardware design supports contactless, orientation-invariant sensing, with a form factor compact enough for embedded and wearable use in ubiquitous computing applications.

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Published: 11 October 2018


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  1. batteryless
  2. magnet
  3. near-field identification
  4. reed switch
  5. rfid
  6. wearables


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