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Extracting implicit programming rules: comparing static and dynamic approaches
Programs often follow implicit programming rules, such as, function call A must be followed by function call B. Rules of such kinds are rarely documented by developers. Nevertheless, programming rules play an important role in software testing and ...
Who plays with whom? ... and how? mining API interaction patterns from source code
State-of-science automated software engineering techniques increasingly rely on specification mining to provide API usage patterns for numerous applications, e.g. context sensitive code-completion, bug-detection or bug-fixing techniques. While some ...
Within-ecosystem issue linking: a large-scale study of rails
Social coding facilitates the sharing of ideas within and between projects in an open source ecosystem. Bug fixing and triaging, in particular, are aided by linking issues in one project to potentially related issues within it or in other projects in ...
Commits as a basis for API misuse detection
Programmers frequently make use of APIs. However, these usages can result in unintended, negative behavior, when developers are not aware of the correct usage or side effects of that API. Detecting those API misuses by means of automatic testing is ...
Index Terms
- Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Software Mining