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Augmenting Human Hearing Through Interactive Auditory Mediated Reality

Published: 11 October 2018 Publication History


To filter and shut out an increasingly loud environment, many resort to the use of personal audio technology. They drown out unwanted sounds, by wearing headphones. This uniform interaction with all surrounding sounds can have a negative impact on social relations and situational awareness. Leveraging mediation through smarter headphones, users gain more agency over their sense of hearing: For instance by being able to selectively alter the volume and other features of specific sounds, without losing the ability to add media. In this work, we propose the vision of interactive auditory mediated reality (AMR). To understand users' attitude and requirements, we conducted a week-long event sampling study (n = 12), where users recorded and rated sources (n = 225) which they would like to mute, amplify or turn down. The results indicate that besides muting, a distinct, "quiet-but-audible" volume exists. It caters to two requirements at the same time: aesthetics/comfort and information acquisition.


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  • (2020)Acoustic Transparency and the Changing Soundscape of Auditory Mixed RealityProceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems10.1145/3313831.3376702(1-16)Online publication date: 21-Apr-2020

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  1. Augmenting Human Hearing Through Interactive Auditory Mediated Reality



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    UIST '18 Adjunct: Adjunct Proceedings of the 31st Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology
    October 2018
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    Published: 11 October 2018

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    1. auditory mediated reality
    2. augmented hearing
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    • (2020)Acoustic Transparency and the Changing Soundscape of Auditory Mixed RealityProceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems10.1145/3313831.3376702(1-16)Online publication date: 21-Apr-2020

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