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View all- Zagi LAziz B(2020)Privacy Attack On IoT: a Systematic Literature Review2020 International Conference on ICT for Smart Society (ICISS)10.1109/ICISS50791.2020.9307568(1-8)Online publication date: 19-Nov-2020
Security protocols are frequently accelerated by implementing the underlying cryptographic functions in reconfigurable hardware. However, unprotected hardware implementations are susceptible to side-channel attacks, and Differential Power Analysis (DPA) ...
In practical applications, an encryption scheme should withstand various leakage attacks (e.g., side-channel attacks, cold-boot attacks, etc.). Thus, in this paper, a new leakage-resilient certificateless public-key encryption (LR-CL-PKE) scheme is ...
Correlation power analysis (CPA) is the most popular and powerful type of power analysis attacks against cryptographic modules. An attacker exploits the correlation between the power consumed by the device and the data generated during computation. In ...
Association for Computing Machinery
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