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View all- Behravan KFarzaneh NJahanshahi MHosseini Seno S(2023)A Comprehensive Survey on Using Fog Computing in Vehicular NetworksVehicular Communications10.1016/j.vehcom.2023.100604(100604)Online publication date: Mar-2023
- Gaba PRaw R(2022)BIVFN: Blockchain-Enabled Intelligent Vehicular Fog NetworksIntelligent Computing and Applications10.1007/978-981-19-4162-7_3(19-27)Online publication date: 14-Nov-2022
- Gaba PRaw R(2020)Vehicular Cloud and Fog Computing Architecture, Applications, Services, and ChallengesIoT and Cloud Computing Advancements in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks10.4018/978-1-7998-2570-8.ch014(268-296)Online publication date: 2020
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