Cited By
View all- Burnah TImtiaz MGuesgen HRudolph GBlagojevic R(2024)Passive Stylus Tracking: A Systematic Literature ReviewProceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction10.1145/36981448:ISS(427-461)Online publication date: 24-Oct-2024
In the last years 3D is getting more and more popular. Besides the increasing number of movies for 3D stereoscopic cinemas and television, serious steps have also been undertaken in the field of 3D gaming. Games with stereoscopic 3D output are now ...
The rapid growth of the mobile gaming market and the steadily improved hardware of mobile phones enable developers to create complex and extensive 3D games on mobile phones. While most current casual games have simple interfaces with few buttons, 3D ...
Currently the most prevalent format for mobile gaming is the single-player variety, where users interact with the game's artificial intelligence within a number of genres such as sports, action, racing, and puzzle games, etc. The users install the game ...
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