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Attention-based Adaptive Model to Unify Warm and Cold Starts Recommendation

Published: 17 October 2018 Publication History


Nowadays, recommender systems provide essential web services on the Internet. There are mainly two categories of traditional recommendation algorithms: Content-Based (CB) and Collaborative Filtering (CF). CF methods make recommendations mainly according to the historical feedback information. They usually perform better when there is sufficient feedback information but less successful on new users and items, which is called the "cold-start'' problem. However, CB methods help in this scenario because of using content information. To take both advantages of CF and CB, how to combine them is a challenging issue. To the best of our knowledge, little previous work has been done to solve the problem in one unified recommendation model. In this work, we study how to integrate CF and CB, which utilizes both types of information in model-level but not in result-level and makes recommendations adaptively. A novel attention-based model named Attentional Content&Collaborate Model (ACCM) is proposed. Attention mechanism helps adaptively adjust for each user-item pair from which source information the recommendation is made. Especially, a "cold sampling'' learning strategy is designed to handle the cold-start problem. Experimental results on two benchmark datasets show that the ACCM performs better on both warm and cold tests compared to the state-of-the-art algorithms.


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  1. Attention-based Adaptive Model to Unify Warm and Cold Starts Recommendation



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    CIKM '18: Proceedings of the 27th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management
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    Published: 17 October 2018


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    1. attention mechanism
    2. cold sampling
    3. cold-start
    4. collaborative filtering
    5. hybrid recommendation
    6. neural recommendation model


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    • Tsinghua-Sogou Tiangong Institute for Intelligent Computing


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