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Question Headline Generation for News Articles

Published: 17 October 2018 Publication History


In this paper, we introduce and tackle the Question Headline Generation (QHG) task. The motivation comes from the investigation of a real-world news portal where we find that news articles with question headlines often receive much higher click-through ratio than those with non-question headlines. The QHG task can be viewed as a specific form of the Question Generation (QG) task, with the emphasis on creating a natural question from a given news article by taking the entire article as the answer. A good QHG model thus should be able to generate a question by summarizing the essential topics of an article. Based on this idea, we propose a novel dual-attention sequence-to-sequence model (DASeq2Seq) for the QHG task. Unlike traditional sequence-to-sequence models which only employ the attention mechanism in the decoding phase for better generation, our DASeq2Seq further introduces a self-attention mechanism in the encoding phase to help generate a good summary of the article. We investigate two ways of the self-attention mechanism, namely global self-attention and distributed self-attention. Besides, we employ a vocabulary gate over both generic and question vocabularies to better capture the question patterns. Through the offline experiments, we show that our approach can significantly outperform the state-of-the-art question generation or headline generation models. Furthermore, we also conduct online evaluation to demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach using A/B test.


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Published: 17 October 2018


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  1. question headline generation
  2. self-attention mechanism


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