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Human Data-Interaction: A Systematic Mapping

Published: 22 October 2018 Publication History


Big Data, e-Science and Internet of Things have contributed to increase the production, processing and storage of data, changing the way people deal and live with data. Although the problem is not new, the "human aspect" of data and the possible impact of Human-Data Interaction (HDI) in human life have been explored and discussed as an emerging research area. On the one hand, HDI offers plenty of opportunities for research and development, and on the other hand it demands characterization, grounding, critical discussions, empirical results and thinking tools to support research and practice. This paper presents a Systematic Mapping of Literature on HDI in Computer Science, identifying the different definitions for the area, elements or objects of investigation, contexts of application, stakeholders, etc. Based on 28 selected papers, results point out to a lack of definition or agreement on what HDI is, but suggest that there are different aspects that can characterize it, and allow identifying concerns and objects of study, such as privacy, ownership and transparency. Results suggest a demand for theoretical and methodological frameworks to support the understanding, design and evaluation of HDI via computing systems.


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IHC '18: Proceedings of the 17th Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computing Systems
October 2018
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Published: 22 October 2018


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  1. Human-Computer Interaction
  2. Human-Data Interaction
  3. Systematic Mapping Review


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