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A Fair Scheduling Algorithm for Adaptive Heterogeneous Resources in Data Centers

Published: 16 September 2018 Publication History


The resource scheduling problem of data center clusters has always been a hot topic in the field of cloud computing. Existing research efforts focus on fairness, resource utilization and energy efficiency, and lack of research on heterogeneous clustering issues. To solve the problem that the traditional DRF algorithm does not consider the classification of machine performance and task type, this paper proposes a fair scheduling algorithm X-DRF that adapts to heterogeneous resources in the data center. The algorithm mainly classifies the performance of physical machines, increases the machine performance scoring factor, and increases the training and job type judgment classification of the XGBoost model. The experiments show that CPU utilization and memory usage increased by 10% and 6%, respectively. The normalized ratio is increased by about 3% compared to the original DRF system. Therefore, the presented fair scheduling algorithm for heterogeneous resources is more fair and reasonable in terms of resource allocation.


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Index Terms

  1. A Fair Scheduling Algorithm for Adaptive Heterogeneous Resources in Data Centers



      Information & Contributors


      Published In

      cover image ACM Other conferences
      Internetware '18: Proceedings of the 10th Asia-Pacific Symposium on Internetware
      September 2018
      167 pages
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      • Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences
      • CCF: China Computer Federation


      Association for Computing Machinery

      New York, NY, United States

      Publication History

      Published: 16 September 2018


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      Author Tags

      1. Data center
      2. Fairness
      3. Heterogeneous cluster
      4. Machine learning
      5. Mesos
      6. Resource scheduling


      • Short-paper
      • Research
      • Refereed limited

      Funding Sources

      • the Natural Science Foundation of China


      Internetware '18

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      Internetware '18 Paper Acceptance Rate 20 of 26 submissions, 77%;
      Overall Acceptance Rate 55 of 111 submissions, 50%


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