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Towards an open-standards based framework for achieving condition-based predictive maintenance

Published: 15 October 2018 Publication History


The advent of Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) technology has significantly optimized the industrial operations management by connecting industrial assets with information systems and, hence, with business processes. The IIoT forms the backbone for materializing the Industry 4.0 initiative. Actionable insights obtained from industrial analytics are one of the pivotal means for achieving intelligent operations and maintenance. Intelligence refers to making optimal decisions for both automated and human-in-the-loop decision making. Condition-based predictive maintenance (CBPdM), also known as Maintenance 4.0, is among the major focus points of the Industry 4.0 and IIoT. In this paper, we discuss the existing standards related to condition-based maintenance and the potential of the Open Industrial Interoperability Ecosystem (OIIE), a MIMOSA led initiative, as a framework which extends previous open standards for achieving CBPdM. We illustrate how the framework addresses the requirements of Industry 4.0 and CBPdM.


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IOT '18: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on the Internet of Things
October 2018
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 15 October 2018


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  1. IIoT
  2. OIIE framework
  3. OSA-CBM
  4. OSA-EAI
  5. condition-based predictive maintenance
  6. industrie 4.0
  7. maintenance 4.0


  • Research-article

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  • South Australian Premier's Research and Industry Fund


IOT '18
IOT '18: 8th International Conference on the Internet of Things
October 15 - 18, 2018
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