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CapNet: Exploiting Wireless Sensor Networks for Data Center Power Capping

Published: 15 December 2018 Publication History


As the scale and density of data centers continue to grow, cost-effective data center management (DCM) is becoming a significant challenge for enterprises hosting large-scale online and cloud services. Machines need to be monitored, and the scale of operations mandates an automated management with high reliability and real-time performance. The limitations of today’s typical DCM network are many-fold. Primarily, it is a fixed wired network, and hence scaling it for a large number of servers increases its cost. In addition, with server densities increasing over recent years, this network also has to be cabled correctly and the management of this network parallels the complexity of managing a data network, since it needs to be networked with multiple switches and routers. In this article, we propose a wireless sensor network as a cost-effective networking solution for DCM while satisfying the reliability and latency performance requirements of DCM. We have developed CapNet, a real-time wireless sensor network for power capping, a time-critical DCM function for power management in a cluster of servers. CapNet employs an efficient event-driven protocol that triggers data collection only on the detection of a potential power capping event. We deploy and evaluate CapNet in a data center. Using server power traces, our experimental results on a cluster of 480 servers inside the data center show that CapNet can meet the real-time requirements of power capping. CapNet demonstrates the feasibility and efficacy of wireless sensor networks for time-critical DCM applications.


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ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks  Volume 15, Issue 1
February 2019
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Published: 15 December 2018
Accepted: 01 September 2018
Revised: 01 September 2018
Received: 01 February 2018
Published in TOSN Volume 15, Issue 1


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  1. MAC protocol
  2. Wireless sensor network
  3. data center management
  4. power capping
  5. real-time system


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