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Synthesizing manually verifiable code for statecharts
Statecharts are an established mechanism to model reactive, state-oriented behavior of embedded systems. We here present an approach to automatically generate code from statecharts, with a particular focus on readability and ease of matching the ...
RHEA: a reactive, heterogeneous, extensible, and abstract framework for dataflow programming
Robotics and IoT applications are perfect candidates that can benefit from the functional reactive programming paradigm. Moreover, since a typical program can be represented as a dataflow graph, the application can be conceptually separated and ...
Reactive chatbot programming
Chatbots are reactive applications with a conversational interface. They are usually implemented as compositions of client-side components and cloud-hosted services, including artificial-intelligence technology. Unfortunately, programming such reactive ...
DISCOPAR: a visual reactive programming language for generating cloud-based participatory sensing platforms
Participatory sensing (PS) platforms enable stakeholders to collect, analyse and visualise data for a particular interest. Despite high societal demand, developing a new PS platform remains a labour-intensive, nonreusable process that requires high ...
Skitter: a DSL for distributed reactive workflows
Writing real-time applications that react to vast amounts of incoming data is a hard problem, as the volume of incoming data implies the need for distributed execution on a cluster architecture. We envision such an application can be created as a data ...
Composable higher-order reactors as the basis for a live reactive programming environment
A live programming environment allows programmers to edit programs while they are running. This means that successive "edit steps" must not allow a programmer to bring the program in a form that does not make any sense to the underlying language ...
A reactive language for analyzing cloud logs
Log analysis is required in many domains, and especially in the emerging field of cloud computing. Cloud applications are often built by composing diverse services. When something goes wrong, finding the root cause of the problem can be difficult. Many ...
Index Terms
- Proceedings of the 5th ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on Reactive and Event-Based Languages and Systems