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This year's program includes topics such as VR Environments, Modality, Cybersickness, 3D User Interfaces, Displays, Haptics, Augmented Reality, Presence, Human Perception, Computer Vision, and Graphics.
Cited By
Gotoh Y, Tsunetomo R and Adhinugraha K (2024). Proposal of Indoor AR Navigation System Using SLAM for Location Search Advances in Internet, Data & Web Technologies, 10.1007/978-3-031-53555-0_40, (423-434),
Nugroho F, Basid P, Arif Y, Diah N, Bahtiar F, Nurhayati H, Kurniawan F, Priandani N and Dermawan D (2023). Classification Based on Texture Analysis for Synthetic Hazy Image from Mount Kelud Haze Image Density 2023 8th International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Information Engineering (ICEEIE), 10.1109/ICEEIE59078.2023.10334845, 979-8-3503-4050-1, (1-6)
- Osborne A, Fielder S, Mcveigh-Schultz J, Lang T, Kreminski M, Butler G, Li J, Sanchez D and Isbister K Being Social in VR Meetings: A Landscape Analysis of Current Tools Proceedings of the 2023 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference, (1789-1809)
Ishikawa M, Douglass M, Lee B and Ehmke J (2019). High-speed projector and its applications Emerging Digital Micromirror Device Based Systems and Applications XI, 10.1117/12.2509564, 9781510625068, (22)
Index Terms
- Proceedings of the 24th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology
Index terms have been assigned to the content through auto-classification.