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Audio-tactile proximity feedback for enhancing 3D manipulation

Published: 28 November 2018 Publication History


In presence of conflicting or ambiguous visual cues in complex scenes, performing 3D selection and manipulation tasks can be challenging. To improve motor planning and coordination, we explore audio-tactile cues to inform the user about the presence of objects in hand proximity, e.g., to avoid unwanted object penetrations. We do so through a novel glove-based tactile interface, enhanced by audio cues. Through two user studies, we illustrate that proximity guidance cues improve spatial awareness, hand motions, and collision avoidance behaviors, and show how proximity cues in combination with collision and friction cues can significantly improve performance.


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VRST '18: Proceedings of the 24th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology
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Published: 28 November 2018


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