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User Time Spent Between Persuasiveness and Usability of Social Networking Mobile Applications: A Case Study of Facebook and YouTube

Published: 19 November 2018 Publication History


Using social media is one of the most common activities for mobile users. However, the over-use of these time-consuming activity can lead to addiction. In this paper, we bring out the gaps in HCI ergonomics theory that gave rise to addictive interfaces. We evaluate the usability and persuasion of the social networking mobile applications, Facebook and YouTube, according to the Users' Time Spent (UTS). We found that ergonomic theory is not properly used in social networking mobile applications design. In usability, some criteria are over-exploited to offer an environment that attracts and keeps the user. While other criteria are partially under-exploited to make the UTS reduction setup difficult. In persuasion, even if the goal is to attract the user, an over-exploitation of some criteria is clear, to involve the user gradually and build a strong engaging relationship, which can significantly exceeds the will and desire of the user.


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  1. User Time Spent Between Persuasiveness and Usability of Social Networking Mobile Applications: A Case Study of Facebook and YouTube



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    MoMM2018: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing and Multimedia
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    • @WAS: International Organization of Information Integration and Web-based Applications and Services
    • Johannes Kepler University


    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

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    Published: 19 November 2018


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    1. Ergonomics criteria
    2. Heuristic inspection
    3. Persuasive technology
    4. Usability
    5. Users' Time Spent


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