Cited By
View all- Xie TJin ZLiu ZHe E(2021)Consistency in Multi-device Service Including VR: A Case StudyVirtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality10.1007/978-3-030-77599-5_12(147-159)Online publication date: 24-Jul-2021
Multi-device user-interaction behavior creates a need to design cross-device menus that support users to re-locate menu items efficiently and effectively after the transition from one device to another. We conducted two laboratory ...
Mobile display devices such as phones and PDAs have become very widely available and used. However, most content on these devices is limited to text, static images and motion video. Displaying and interacting with dynamic diagrammatic content on such ...
In this paper, we present a mobile user interface for image-based dietary assessment. The mobile user interface provides a front end to a client-server image recognition and portion estimation software. In the client-server configuration, the user ...
Association for Computing Machinery
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