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Accessible Tourism for Users with Hearing Loss

Published: 28 November 2018 Publication History


Tourism activities should be inclusive to all persons, no matter if they are adults, children, or disabled people. Websites and apps are powerful tools to plan and organize tours and trips, but in order to be targeted to a wide range of users, and to provide an effective and satisfying experience they should be accessible and usable. This paper concentrates on users with hearing loss, and presents some guidelines for the development of accessible and also usable tourism websites for them. It then proposes and discusses the specific case study of an accessible tourism website specifically targeted to users with hearing loss that want to visit the city of Venice, Italy in an enjoyable and inclusive way.


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Goodtechs '18: Proceedings of the 4th EAI International Conference on Smart Objects and Technologies for Social Good
November 2018
316 pages
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  • EAI: The European Alliance for Innovation


Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 28 November 2018


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  1. Accessibility
  2. Tourism
  3. Usability


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  • (2022)Accessible interactive systems for deaf users in museums: systematic mapping review2022 International Conference on Inclusive Technologies and Education (CONTIE)10.1109/CONTIE56301.2022.10004432(1-5)Online publication date: 25-Oct-2022
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