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Automatic Caption Generation for Medical Images

Published: 10 October 2018 Publication History


With the increasing availability of medical images coming from different modalities (X-Ray, CT, PET, MRI, ultrasound, etc.), and the huge advances in the development of incredibly fast, accurate and enhanced computing power with the current graphics processing units. The task of automatic caption generation from medical images became a new way to improve healthcare and the key method for getting better results at lower costs. In this paper, we give a comprehensive overview of the task of image captioning in the medical domain, covering: existing models, the benchmark medical image-caption datasets, and evaluation metrics that have been used to measure the quality of the generated captions.


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SCA '18: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Smart City Applications
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Published: 10 October 2018


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  1. Attention mechanism
  2. CNN
  3. Computer Vision
  4. Deep Neural Networks
  5. Encoder-Decoder framework
  6. Generative models
  7. LSTM
  8. Medical Image Captioning
  9. Natural Language Processing
  10. RNN
  11. Retrieval-based models


  • Research-article
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