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An Evaluation of the Impact of Automated Programming Hints on Performance and Learning

Published: 30 July 2019 Publication History


A growing body of work has explored how to automatically generate hints for novice programmers, and many programming environments now employ these hints. However, few studies have investigated the efficacy of automated programming hints for improving performance and learning, how and when novices find these hints beneficial, and the tradeoffs that exist between different types of hints. In this work, we explored the efficacy of next-step code hints with 2 complementary features: textual explanations and self-explanation prompts. We conducted two studies in which novices completed two programming tasks in a block-based programming environment with automated hints. In Study 1, 10 undergraduate students completed 2 programming tasks with a variety of hint types, and we interviewed them to understand their perceptions of the affordances of each hint type. For Study 2, we recruited a convenience sample of participants without programming experience from Amazon Mechanical Turk. We conducted a randomized experiment comparing the effects of hints' types on learners' performance and performance on a subsequent task without hints. We found that code hints with textual explanations significantly improved immediate programming performance. However, these hints only improved performance in a subsequent post-test task with similar objectives, when they were combined with self-explanation prompts. These results provide design insights into how automatically generated code hints can be improved with textual explanations and prompts to self-explain, and provide evidence about when and how these hints can improve programming performance and learning.


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Published: 30 July 2019


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