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A service-oriented middleware framework for manufacturing industry 4.0

Published: 13 November 2018 Publication History


The advantages of the Internet of things (IoT) initiated the vision of Industry 4.0 in Europe and smart manufacturing in USA. Both visions aim to implement the smart factory to achieve similar objectives by utilizing new technologies. These technologies include cloud computing, fog computing, cyber-physical systems (CPS), and data analytics. Together they help automate and autonomize the manufacturing processes and controls to optimize the productivity, reliability, quality, cost-effeteness, and safety of these processes. While both visions are promising, developing and operating Industry 4.0 applications are extremely challenging. This is due to the complexity of the manufacturing processes as well as their management, controls, and integration dynamics. This paper introduces Man4Ware, a service-oriented middleware for Industry 4.0. Man4Ware can help facilitate the development and operations of cloud and fog-integrated smart manufacturing applications. Man4Ware offers many advantages through service level interfaces to enable easy utilization of new technologies and integration of different services to relax many of the challenges facing the development and operations of such applications1.


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cover image ACM SIGBED Review
ACM SIGBED Review  Volume 15, Issue 5
October 2018
30 pages
Issue’s Table of Contents


Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 13 November 2018
Published in SIGBED Volume 15, Issue 5

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Author Tags

  1. IoT
  2. cloud computing
  3. cyber-physical systems
  4. fog computing
  5. industry 4.0
  6. middleware
  7. smart manufacturing


  • Research-article


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