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A simpler lambda calculus
Closure calculus is simpler than pure lambda-calculus as it does not mention free variables or index manipulation, variable renaming, implicit substitution, or any other meta-theory. Further, all programs, even recursive ones, can be expressed as normal ...
Method name suggestion with hierarchical attention networks
Method Rename has been a widely used refactoring operation that improves program comprehension and maintenance. Descriptive method names that summarize functionalities of source code can facilitate program comprehension. Much research has been done to ...
Reduction from branching-time property verification of higher-order programs to HFL validity checking
Various methods have recently been proposed for temporal property verification of higher-order programs. In those methods, however, either temporal properties were limited to linear-time ones, or target programs were limited to finite-data programs. In ...
Typed parsing and unparsing for untyped regular expression engines
Regular expressions are used for a wide variety of purposes from web-page input validation to log file crawling. Very often, they are used not only to match strings, but also to extract data from them. Unfortunately, most regular expression engines only ...
Combining higher-order model checking with refinement type inference
There have been two major approaches to fully automated verification of higher-order functional programs: higher-order model checking and refinement type inference. The former approach is precise, but suffers from a bottleneck in the predicate discovery ...
Control flow obfuscation via CPS transformation
Control flow obfuscation protects software from being reverse-engineered by altering the control flow transfer without without changing the software's run-time semantics. We propose a new control flow obfuscation technique by rewriting the source ...
Extracting a call-by-name partial evaluator from a proof of termination
It is well known that the computational content of a termination proof of a calculus is an interpreter that computes the result of an input term. Traditionally, such extraction has been tried for a calculus with deterministic reduction rules, producing ...
Futures and promises in Haskell and Scala
Futures and promises are a high-level concurrency construct to aid the user in writing scalable and correct asynchronous programs. We introduce a simple core language based on which we can derive a rich set of future and promise features. We discuss ...
Generating mutually recursive definitions
Many functional programs — state machines [Krishnamurthi 2006], top-down and bottom-up parsers [Hinze and Paterson 2003; Hutton and Meijer 1996], evaluators [Abelson et al. 1984], GUI initialization graphs [Syme 2006], &c. — are conveniently expressed ...
Index Terms
- Proceedings of the 2019 ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Partial Evaluation and Program Manipulation