Cited By
View all- Jothibalaji RAdithya SSaravanan NDhanalakshmi M(2024)Silent Speech Interface Using Lip-Reading MethodsBiomedical Engineering Science and Technology10.1007/978-3-031-54547-4_2(9-23)Online publication date: 15-Mar-2024
Lip reading aims to predict speech based on lip movements alone. As it focuses on visual information to model the speech, its performance is inherently sensitive to personal lip appearances and movements. This makes the lip reading models show ...
Real-time surveillance systems, dealing with lipreading, can benefit from a reduction in visual data to be processed. This reduces processing time and improves the efficiency of the system. These systems take features extracted from the mouth region for ...
In this paper, relevant features for a visual speech recognition system are selected using Minimum Redundancy Maximum Relevance (mRMR) method. Feature vectors, with varying number of relevant attributes, are tested to determine the most optimal feature ...
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