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Acousess: smartphone-based logger to assess acoustical conditions: subjective noise conditions on some circumference and intraindividual variation

Published: 08 April 2019 Publication History


Since various sounds in the living sphere are sometimes regarded as noise, national and local governments continually struggle with decreasing environmental noise and disclose noise conditions. However, there remaines some ambiguous points in the correspondence between the physical quantity of sound pressure level and subjective annoyance. In this paper, our goal is to clarify the relationship between the objective noise level in individuals' daily life and their subjective discomfort to noise. We developed a smartphone application that could register objective noise levels and correspondent subjective impressions such as annoyance. We asked acoustic experts to record the objective and subjective sound conditions by our application. The analysis of shared results indicated that intrapersonal differences may be caused by personal situations including time and day and whether they were working.


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Published: 08 April 2019


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  1. annoyance
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  3. octaveband analysis
  4. smartphone
  5. sound environment assessment


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  • (2022)How the study of digital footprints can supplement research in behavioral genetics and molecular psychologyMolecular Psychology: Brain, Behavior, and Society10.12688/molpsychol.17401.11(2)Online publication date: 17-May-2022
  • (2019)Creation of a Sound Map Based on a Field Assessment: A Case of Hon-Atsugi Station "s(urr)oundings"2019 8th International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics (IIAI-AAI)10.1109/IIAI-AAI.2019.00016(25-28)Online publication date: Jul-2019

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