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Energy efficient IO stack design for wearable device

Published: 08 April 2019 Publication History


In this paper, we visit the energy consumption issue of the IO subsystem for wearable device. We argue that the IO stack for wearable device is subject to extreme inefficiency in terms of the IO volume and the number of flush requests. The deficiency of the IO stack leaves a room for improvement from the energy consumption's point of view. In this work, we characterize the IO access patterns of the smartwatch device, develop a model to estimate the energy consumption from the given IO traces, and propose a set of methods to optimize the IO subsystem behavior for energy saving. In smartwatch, the amount of data written daily is 10x as large as the amount of data read daily. The amount of data written to the flash storage each day is approximately as large as the free space in the storage device. To minimize the energy consumption associated with the IO activities in smartwatch, we propose Meta-data Embedding and Selective Directory Sync for SQLite DBMS and Flushless Durability Guarantee for the filesystem. We implement the proposed techniques in the commercially available smartwatch product. The proposed techniques reduce the energy consumption associated with the IO activities by 60%. It corresponds to 3% savings in the overall energy consumption. It is achieved solely via software optimization.


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  1. Energy efficient IO stack design for wearable device



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    SAC '19: Proceedings of the 34th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing
    April 2019
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    Published: 08 April 2019


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    1. SQLite
    2. Tizen
    3. battery
    4. energy consumption
    5. smartwatch


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    • (2024)Real-Time Energy-Efficient Sensor Libraries for Wearable DevicesIEEE Access10.1109/ACCESS.2024.343004912(126006-126018)Online publication date: 2024
    • (2023)SensorLib: an Energy-efficient Sensor-collection Library for Wear OSProceedings of the 4th European Symposium on Software Engineering10.1145/3651640.3651641(83-88)Online publication date: 1-Dec-2023
    • (2021)Understanding Energy Efficiency of Databases on Single Board Computers for Edge Computing2021 29th International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (MASCOTS)10.1109/MASCOTS53633.2021.9614300(1-8)Online publication date: 3-Nov-2021
    • (2020)A Survey on Energy Management for Mobile and IoT DevicesIEEE Design & Test10.1109/MDAT.2020.297666937:5(7-24)Online publication date: Oct-2020

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