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Test case selection using structural coverage in software product lines for time-budget constrained scenarios

Published: 08 April 2019 Publication History


Testing product lines is a challenging activity due to the large number of products to be tested. Many approaches focus on reducing the time for testing a product line by reducing the number of products to be tested, by employing, for instance, combinatorial approaches. However, even if the number of derived products by a combinatorial approach is limited, testing can still be time consuming. In this paper, we propose three different test case selection methods that consider a given time budget to test product lines in an efficient manner using structural coverage information. We analyze the three methods with three white-box coverage criteria (i.e., Decision Coverage, Condition Coverage and Modified Condition/Decision Coverage). We evaluate the different approaches with a case study from the automotive domain and mutation testing. The results suggest that considering coverage information at the domain engineering level helps on detecting more faults, particularly when time budgets are low.


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Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 08 April 2019


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  1. product line testing
  2. structural coverage
  3. test case selection


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