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Bit-Tactical: A Software/Hardware Approach to Exploiting Value and Bit Sparsity in Neural Networks

Published: 04 April 2019 Publication History


Weight and activation sparsity can be leveraged in hardware to boost the performance and energy efficiency of Deep Neural Networks during inference. Fully capitalizing on sparsity requires re-scheduling and mapping the execution stream to deliver non-zero weight/activation pairs to multiplier units for maximal utilization and reuse. However, permitting arbitrary value re-scheduling in memory space and in time places a considerable burden on hardware to perform dynamic at-runtime routing and matching of values, and incurs significant energy inefficiencies. Bit-Tactical (TCL) is a neural network accelerator where the responsibility for exploiting weight sparsity is shared between a novel static scheduling middleware, and a co-designed hardware front-end with a lightweight sparse shuffling network comprising two (2- to 8-input) multiplexers per activation input. We empirically motivate two back-end designs chosen to target bit-sparsity in activations, rather than value-sparsity, with two benefits: a) we avoid handling the dynamically sparse whole-value activation stream, and b) we uncover more ineffectual work. TCL outperforms other state-of-the-art accelerators that target sparsity for weights and activations, the dynamic precision requirements of activations, or their bit-level sparsity for a variety of neural networks.


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  1. Bit-Tactical: A Software/Hardware Approach to Exploiting Value and Bit Sparsity in Neural Networks



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      ASPLOS '19: Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems
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