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ThrustHetero: A Framework to Simplify Heterogeneous Computing Platform Programming using Design Abstraction

Published: 14 February 2019 Publication History


Heterogeneous compute architectures like Multi-Core CPUs, CUDA GPUs, and Intel Xeon Phis have become prevalent over the years. While heterogeneity makes architecture specific features available to the programmer, it also makes application development difficult, as one needs to plan for optimal usage of architectural features, suitable partitioning of the workload, communication and data transfer among the participating devices. A suitable design abstraction that hides such variabilities of the underlying devices and at the same time exploits their computing capabilities, can improve developer productivity. In this work, we present "ThrustHetero", a lightweight framework based on NVIDIA's Thrust, that provides an abstraction over several devices such as GPUs, Xeon Phis and multicore, yet allows developers to easily leverage the full compute capability of these devices. We also demonstrate a novel method for workload distribution in two stages - micro-benchmarking during framework installations to find good proportions and then using this information during application execution. We consider four classes of applications based on how they would perform on various computing architectures on the basis of the amount of branching present in the application. We show that the framework produces a good workload distribution proportions for each class of application and also show that the framework is scalable and portable. Further, we compare the performance and ease of development when using the framework with the native versions of various benchmarks and obtain favorable results.


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ISEC '19: Proceedings of the 12th Innovations in Software Engineering Conference (formerly known as India Software Engineering Conference)
February 2019
238 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 14 February 2019


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  1. CUDA
  2. Design Simplicity
  3. Heterogeneous Computing
  4. High Performance Computing
  5. Programming Abstraction
  6. Thrust


  • Research-article
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  • Refereed limited

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